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College Essay How-to: What do you want to do 10 years from now?

Over the past 5 weeks, we have discussed the 5 most common college application essay questions. As a refresher, the first four questions are

Write about a book you’ve read

Who is someone you admire?

Why do you want to attend this college?

Tell about a meaningful activity to you

In this week’s post, we will review how best to respond to the 5th most common college application question:

#5. What do you want to do 10 years from now?

The emphasis in this question is on “you.” You can be creative and respond in a way that reflects your uniqueness. In your response, you don’t have to link the college with your future career. Avoid being too “over-the-top” or silly.

Your response doesn’t have to be exact, so don’t worry about being too detailed. You do want to write a thoughtful response that shows your interests. Focus your response instead of being imaginative and honest. (For a bit of inspiration, check out what this architect major did….he probably wouldn’t have imagined this!)

Please post some ideas that come to mind in the comments below. We will respond with feedback to help you and other visitors to our site. So  . . . 10 years from now?

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This blog is valued by busy parents of college-bound teens. The topics covered in these posts are mined from years of listening to parents talk about their dreams for their children’s education.

This blog is written from the heart… as it’s my passion and life calling!

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