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Launch of New radio show about K12 Education and College Admissions for Families

In December 2010, I launched The Education Doctor Radio show on the platform. As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention” so the start of this radio show came about through a series of early rejections.

I am an avid fan of radio talk shows. Whenever I visit a new city, I scour the airwaves for the local call-in shows where community folks can speak their minds about issues of the day. I enjoy those shows because they give me insight to the flavor of a city and its heartbeat. It’s also a lot less distracting while driving.

As early as 1993, I have been an NPR groupie. Even my most recent resume lists NPR as one of my favorite pastimes. (I’ve actually discussed NPR in previous job interviews . . . not sure if it hurt or helped.) One of the visions for my education passion is to reach families through a nationally-syndicated radio show. I finally decided to get started on pursuing this goal by contacting local radio stations and NPR, of course. The first question was . . . “Do you have a demo tape?” Scratching my head and feeling a bit dumbfounded yet eager, I replied, “No, but I can get one.”

When I started searching around on the internet . . . I found and their tagline of “A platform for your passion” spoke to my inner drive and vision!

I look forward to broadcasting this show each week or two and gaining more experience towards my vision. It will also help me answer that question with more confidence . . . “Yes, I have a great demo tape to share with you!”

You may subscribe to our newsletter for upcoming show announcements or join us on Facebook at The Education Doctor! to get regular show updates. I also welcome your suggestions for future shows at any time . . . you can email me at radio [at] compasseducationstrategies dot com.

About This Blog

This blog is valued by busy parents of college-bound teens. The topics covered in these posts are mined from years of listening to parents talk about their dreams for their children’s education.

This blog is written from the heart… as it’s my passion and life calling!

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