Group Coaching for Parents of College-bound Teens

November 11, 2014 – November 11, 2014



Did you know that the wrong college choice can cost your family an extra $35,000?? 

Let “The Education Doctor” help you make the right decisions so you don’t go broke for college 


Join “The Education Doctor” (Dr. Pamela) on a group coaching call as she helps to clarify the college process for parents. Group coaching is a way to not only gain the expertise of a private college counselor but also to demystify the college admissions process as you’re working with your teen. Learn from other parents of college-bound teens, gather tips and strategies for choosing right-fit colleges, getting more scholarship dollars, and helping your teen manage their time!


Group coaching will be conducted via conference call and is designed to provide a forum for information sharing. You will gain insight to help your teen get into their dream college. All calls will be recorded and emailed to participants.


The calls are for one hour and cost $39. Seats are limited, so sign up quickly!

