Ohio University: A tale of Parties and Poverty

Last year, Ohio University was ranked as the number one Party school by Princeton. There was little evidence of the party atmosphere during my visit:

The town of Athens was quite charming, filled with restaurants and shops. Even though I visited during the summer, there were many students on campus, current undergraduates as well as high schoolers. The campus and curriculum seemed to have a lot to offer.

via Top 3 Concerns when applying to a Party School.

Interestingly, the latest news from Athens is that the town is the poorest city in Ohio with a 16.6% unemployment rate, as reported in the Dayton Business Journal.

Ohio University is located in Athens, Ohio
Ohio University is located in Athens, Ohio

This announcement may cause some discomfort for families planning to enroll, which is understandable. As students consider their decision to enroll, there is still a lot that the university has to offer given its size and facilities. Perhaps this awareness of the town’s employment context may open more opportunities for students to serve in the community and for the university to seek ways that they can collaborate and bolster the community.